Monday, August 15, 2011

Dr. Marianne Legato, MD, on the unique challenges adolescent boys face

At the Male Studies conference 2011, Dr. Marianne Legato, MD, spoke on adolescent boys. She is the founder and director of Columbia College of Medicine’s Partnership for Gender-Specific Medicine, editor of the first text on gender medicine, and founder of the journal, Gender Medicine. Her most recent book is Why Men Die First.

The problem with the adolescent male navigating that difficult transition from puberty to young adulthood is a disconnect in the timing of an abrupt increase in gonadal hormones that occurs in both sexes at the time of puberty, but which for boys produces intense emotional lability, and high intensity feelings, while the part of the brain that develops risk assessment and emotional control and stability, lags well behind. Girls do not have a similar retardation of that center of the brain and therefore are much less likely to incur the kinds of disasters that face adolescent boys until they are 20.

Remember that the next time an adolescent boy is charged with a crime for dating an adolescent girl who is likely at least as physically developed as he is, and more emotionally developed.

Links to part 1 & 2 of the conference where Dr. Legato spoke (she speaks in part 2):

Part 1:

Part 2:

Discussion at Reddit.

Link: The Child Support Catastrophe by Dalrock

An excellent piece on why "child support" is really all about eliminating fathers from children's lives, and not about the welfare of the children:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Male rape scene in the movie "Super" and why merely verbalizing the word "no" would not have been enough to make it rape

As mentioned at Reddit, here is the clip.

Some people out there seem to doubt that this is rape. It is of course rape because he made it completely clear verbally, through body language, and with his resistance that he did not consent.

Some people still think that just saying "no" verbally is enough to make it rape, but this is false.

A mere verbal "no" is insufficient to prove rape- because sometimes people say "no" when they mean "yes", sometimes people say "no" at first, then change their minds. Sometimes, someone says "no" when their body language clearly says "yes".

Further information at AVfM.

When it comes to how most women communicate sexual interest, no often means yes, or it means maybe, or it means try harder, or it means not now, or it means a veritable grab bag of possible realities other than just a simple and honest “no.”

And here's a video demonstration of the concept, where Han "rapes" Leia.

Of course, if Empire Strikes Back were filmed today, Han would have been castrated and imprisoned for his actions here, and Leia would have spent her remaining years as a "survivor" lecturing stormtroopers - all men - on how they are all rapists.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A comment of mine at Zeta Male

Giving money that people who actually contribute to society earn to people who don't contribute to society is stupid, no matter how you color it.

Big government does equal bad. Small government doesn't equal good but it does equal better.

There is a difference between attempting to correct problems downstream vs. actually solving them. For example, affirmative action in college doesn't correct shit, because by the time people are in college it's too late to help them. Instead, it would be better to provide children good role models - hm, how to do this? Perhaps with policies that promote fathers in children's lives?

The problem is that you are living in a dream world. You don't solve women sleeping around and having children out of wedlock by making men pay for their at-will contraceptives. You solve it by making it shameful for women to sleep around in the first place, and you STOP fucking subsidizing it.

If you think unrestrained female sexuality is good for society, why don't you look at the world we live in and tell me how? How does women having children with "bad boy" men while having the child paid for by the rest of us help society? It doesn't. It ruins us.

And what you've got to understand is, it doesn't matter if it's mean, it doesn't mean it's "misogyny" or that it's not true. We live in a world where facts are facts, whether we like them or not. And the fact is, subsidizing single motherhood is ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE for society.

On misogyny:

One last thing Zeta. You've still got some false notions about how people really are. I used to call myself a liberal, I know. Everyone's lovey dovey and people are good, right?

Wrong. People fucking suck, for the most part. And most people aren't downtrodden victims, they're people who got themselves where they are. People need personal responsibility, not handouts. The politicians who say otherwise are liars. The feminists are liars. They are doing it to line their own pockets - as always. You are probably a good person, so it's hard to understand this: there are a large number of people out there who are not. They don't care about anyone else, but they certainly claim to. These politicians and bigots who claim to be egalitarians and to want justice are lying. If you are a man like me, who truly seeks justice, and I think you are, you will see through their lies and try to do what's right. And what's right is NOT what these bastard politicians want to fool you into believing. Don't fall for it, man.

I think it's really hard for genuinely good people to realize that others are not so good. We project. And that's your mistake, Zeta. You think that people taking advantage of others by gaming the system are noble like you.

They're not.

And they play upon your good graces.

Also a great thread at Reddit where wavevector, a rather genius MRA, expresses his views:

Thursday, August 4, 2011

If you have any doubt that our society is in the shitter...

Just watch a women's talk show sometime. Watch The Tyra Show. It's pathetic, yet comical in a way.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Link: I'll Tell You What About Teh Menz, by Factory

Factory speaks about feminists claiming to support men's issues and other indications that the men's movement is only gaining power.

NASA's shuttle program over

Article at The Spearhead.

My comment:

The only way to ensure the survival and prosperity of the human race is to venture into space. It's probably best that we aren't the ones doing it since we have a cancer eating away at us, and we shouldn't perpetuate it to other planets.

Monday, August 1, 2011

A more thorough analysis of penis envy, which is really envy of the masculine

Now, these talk shows can't deviate very far from the general female consensus, since they would alienate the target of the show, which we know to be women. What we have here is a monumental slip-up in the human female psyche. What was displayed by Sharon Osbourne, the gleefully entertained mostly female studio audience, and the mostly female viewership that runs into the millions (without a doubt), was an anti-male, anti-masculine animosity that is possibly innately characteristic to women.

It's much more than the phenomenon that we know to be 'penis envy'. 'Penis envy' is a misleading term, as it focuses this innate female animosity for the male onto something purely irrelevant, such as male genitalia. It has nothing to do with male genitalia, and everything to do with the hatred and misunderstanding of male beauty. And no, I'm not referring to physical male aesthetics here. I'm referring to the cold, calculatory exceptionalism and intensity that males, and only males, have demonstrated and continued to demonstrate, over and over, that has led to the immortalisation of the male mind as the pinnacle of human accomplishment.


You know, I'm glad this evidence decided to show itself, because it's indicative of a very sick, demented and dangerous side of female nature. And it allows us to remember that, behind their pretty little dolled-up faces can lurk pure, concentrated evil. And that's exactly what men need - constant reminders that all that glitters ain't gold.