... they seemed incapable of seeing any new man as an individual. Worse still, they seemed to transform each new man, benign or otherwise, into the malignancy they were expecting him to be. They tended to see a wolf in every man they met, and so they made every man they met into a wolf-even when that man was a woman.
Not surprising really. The women who were hostile to me made me mad, and that made me want to be hostile to them. I can’t imagine men in the same position not reacting the same way. And so the self-perpetuating cycle of unkindness and discontent would go on and on, feeding on itself. These women were mostly hostile in the first place because they felt that men’s bad behavior had made them so, and the men they met behaved badly because hostility breeds contempt.
All in all, it seems like women are a lot meaner and more evil than men, on average, and they are the instigators in the gender war. Men by default treat women well - it's only when women treat them badly first that they treat women badly. Women, however, treat men badly from the beginning due to their self-centered ways. It's probably mostly because women are allowed and encouraged to be bad, however, by both men and women.